Balance Does Not Mean Equal
Are you feeling the relief? The unbridled joy that comes from having your kids back in school again, being in a routine again, looking forward to pumpkin spice lattes again?
ME TOO. Over the moon DELIGHTED, in fact.
And yet, every year around this time I struggle with getting back into a groove as a working mama. It takes intentional work because balance takes intentional work.
I spent the summer focused on my family. We traveled to Colorado and Missouri, swam in pools and lakes, played at the park and in living room forts. We took trips to the library, to see grandparents and to get ice cream. We made the most cherished memories this summer and that is exactly what we wanted for our family.
But a summer of fun with those I love means the pendulum has to swing back to taking care of myself and my business this fall.
Balance does not mean equal. Balance is not when everything is equal, balance is when everything is running smoothly.
So how do I go from summer to fall, from one focus to another and get back to business? By using the HEART acronym as a checklist that re-aligns my needs with my actions. As you may know, I created HEART Goals as a way to set balanced goals. It is also the method by which I reset my days, weeks, months and yes, even seasons.
I believe what we all want in life can be distilled down into five categories. We all want a healthy body, a healthy mind, meaningful relationships, money to go where we want and do what we please, and purposeful work. Those five categories are HEART.
H — Help Yourself (a healthy body)
E — Empower Yourself (a healthy mind)
A — All Your People (meaningful relationships)
R — Resources & Responsibilities (the money to go where you want and do what you please)
T — Trade (purposeful work)
When you prioritize these five buckets in the right order, when you align your needs with your actions, you can find balance.
This is Back to Business Week for me and my tribe! I am hosting free live coaching sessions every morning this week. We’re talking about how to prioritize your needs (those five buckets!), ways to reset your days when they feel out of whack, and how the HEART method can transform your life.
During the first coaching session of Back to Business Week, I shared how I’m starting the process of getting back to business by focusing on my physical health and routine. The next session covers ways to care for your heart, mind, and soul. You can watch all my Back to Business Week coaching session here!