Family Project: Blessing Bags
This time of year, with all the Christmas wish lists, endless catalogs arriving in the mail, an email inbox filled with new sales every day, and the general hustle and bustle of the season, it can be easy to lose sight of what really matters. If you feel like you (or your family) needs a little Christmas refocus, making blessing bags is a great way to help you reset your mindset.
This is a project that all ages can help with. Download our printable checklist, stock up on the supplies, and then spend some time assembling the bags. You can assemble by. yourself, with your family, or invite a few friends to join you. Crank up the Christmas playlist and make a little assembly line—you’ll have your bags together in no time!
Once you’ve got your bags assembled, you can keep them in your car to hand out when you see someone in need, or you can make a trip to a local shelter to donate them (if you plan to go this route, you may want to check with them ahead of time to see if they have any specific needs you should include in your bags).