Reflections on Reading My Kids 1,000 Books

Reflections on Reading My Kids 1,000 Books

I just finished putting the kids to bed. Even though they’re all old enough to read to themselves, a treasured part of our bedtime routine includes me reading aloud each night. Our current selection is Wildwood, and I’m enjoying it as much as the kids! I’ve been annotating as we read, which led to a…

Parenting Hack: Avoid the Fight for the Front Seat

Parenting Hack: Avoid the Fight for the Front Seat

As the “can’t sit still adult” in the family, I tend to be the shuttle driver for our kids. With three kids, we’ve run into an issue that you are probably familiar with if you have siblings, pre-teens, tweens, or teens: the fight for “shotgun!” It’s a fight as old as the Ford Model T….

How to Find Your Perfect Planner

How to Find Your Perfect Planner

What is the perfect planner for me? It’s an age-old question. Am I a daily or weekly planner person? Should I go with a calendar year or a mid-year planner? What about an academic planner? First and foremost, different seasons call for different systems. Planning is not one-size-fits-all. What works for someone else, might not work for…

10 Minutes to Start Your Day Right
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10 Minutes to Start Your Day Right

It’s a slow Monday morning over here. I’m getting ready for a podcast interview to promote my new book, A More Beautiful Life. And we’re playing catch up from a wonderful, but busy weekend. How do you get motivated in the morning? Do you have a morning routine that gets you off on the right…