Protecting Your Time and Energy: The Power of Saying No

Protecting Your Time and Energy: The Power of Saying No

We live in a culture that values productivity and accomplishment, often at the expense of our own well-being. We’re told that we need to hustle, grind, and work around the clock if we want to succeed. But what if I told you that saying “no” could be one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal for achieving your goals?

How to Use the Week on One Page Planner and HEART Goals™ Together
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How to Use the Week on One Page Planner and HEART Goals™ Together

When I decided to create my Week on One Page Planner, I knew that I wanted to have HEART Goals™ as the foundation of the planner. Creating tools that help women live a more beautiful, balanced, and meaningful life is my calling, and these planners are designed to do just that! If you are new around…

Monthly Goal Check-In Printable
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Monthly Goal Check-In Printable

The beginning of the month is a great time to check in to make sure you are moving toward the best version of yourself. Today we’re sharing our  Monthly HEART Goals Check-In printable to help you do a quick review. The monthly goal check-in printable is the best way to keep working towards, and ultimately achieve…

HEART Goals Exercise: 1/5/10
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HEART Goals Exercise: 1/5/10

Gain perspective while setting goals for the next year and beyond! If you’ve been around here for a while, you may already know about my personal goal-setting system, HEART Goals. It’s a formula for setting balanced goals and a system for making decisions, prioritizing tasks, and taking action toward the vision you want for your life. When I launched my…

How to Do a Quarterly Goals Check
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How to Do a Quarterly Goals Check

Today I’m sharing a practice that will change your year. As we move into the second quarter of 2023, this is a practice that will help you this month and beyond. What simple practice will change your year? A quarterly goals check in. Whether you set specific goals for this year or not, this is a…

What is HEART Goals?
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What is HEART Goals?

Welcome, friends, to this blog post, where we’ll be discussing the concept of HEART. HEART is an acronym that I created to help us remember the areas of our lives that require our attention and care. It stands for Help Yourself Empower Yourself All Your People Resources & Responsibilities Trade and Talent But before we…