Sneak Peek

Here are some more snippets of our latest release! We’re in the process of adding all the new goods to our website–be sure to check back for more eye candy in the coming weeks! All of the above are available in a classic foldover note card.

In Common

Lately, I’ve noticed that there is a growing list of things Charlotte Moss and I have in common: Mercedes convertibles. She has a vintage Mercedes convertible, I’ve always wanted a vintage Mercedes convertible. So Grace Kelly. Popped collars. I remember meeting her the summer I did my internship in Tulsa at Charles Faudree’s. She was…

WE Noted: Style Me Pretty

We love blogs. Design blogs, fashion blogs, craft and scrapbook blogs, business blogs. They suck us in and fascinate us and resolve the issue of boredom–there is an unlimited supply! We’ll be featuring some of our favorites in the next week under the category “blogs” in the left column. And now, for our first Blog…

The Porch

After an afternoon with trips to Home Depot, Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn searching for paint colors, a good nap with the Sixth Sense in the background, we headed to downtown D-town for dinner. Since Lee and Kristen live there, it will become an attractive destination, and an excuse to head to one of my…