Guest Post: Fav Phone Apps
Since my last two guest posts here have been rather serious (here and here), I thought I’d lighten the mood this time.
And bring you one of my favorite posts to read on the Internet.
I believe they actually have a real name: LISTACLE. List + Article = Listacle. America is so creative.
This particular listacle is going to be about my favorite phone apps. The ones that my thumbs automatically go to when I have a free moment or need to check something. I’m going to cover it all, my friends. So, grab a pen and start taking notes. Everything I list here is an absolute favorite — tried and true.
I’m able to organize all four of my email accounts on one app. Yes, I have four email accounts. No, it is not necessary and I need to consolidate. Yes, it drives my husband nuts. He’s a “zero your inbox” kind of guy.
What can I say? I’m not trying to fit in with the younger generation. In fact, I don’t like how the younger generation uses Snapchat. I like to use it as a video diary. And I enjoy following the people who also use it as a video diary. I love sending quick comments on their videos as much as I love receiving them. (I’m @rebeccaisonline over there if you are a Snapchatter.)
- Notes app
I use this app for grocery lists, wish lists, things to remember, things I love, quotes that resonate, books to pick up, the name of the nail color I tried, and blog post ideas. It’s the mobile sticky note. And no other notes or organizing app has been able to replace it for me.
Instagram is changing for me. I used to be obsessed. Unhealthily. In the way that I had to scroll through Instagram entirely — until I saw the post I laid my eyes on last time I opened the app. Which meant hours of scrolling. I couldn’t miss a post. I took some time off and now it’s less important for me to see every post the people I follow post. It’s a source of inspiration now. Something I hop onto when I want to feel inspired, encouraged, and motivated — similar to Pinterest. (I’m @rebeccasmithonline on Instagram!)
I feel a little lost if I don’t have an audible credit to download a new book to listen to. I used to only listen to nonfiction on Audible, but I recently listened to two fiction books and I’m hooked. Girl on the Train and Good Girl. They are both thrillers — but not gory ones. I rarely remember books after I read them, but I remember both of those books with lots of detail. The narrator can totally make or break a book on audio, though. I tried to listen to Stephen King’s 11-22-63 and it was horrible. I think because I couldn’t stand the narrator’s voice. My kids also listen to Audible on a daily basis. They are really into The Magic Tree House books right now.
I hate the standard Calendar App that comes on the iPhone. On this one, I can color-coordinate events, see appointments easier, block out days for vacation, and set recurring events. I don’t even use a standard planner anymore. I love the idea of a physical planner, but never end up carrying it with me or having it when I need to look at it.
This app is so fun. It photos pulls from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and shows what you were doing one year ago, two years ago, etc… I love having a trip down memory lane each day and smiling as I remember what our family was doing one year ago today.
I don’t use this app on a daily basis, but I do print Instagram photos every six months or so. I like to get the photos off my phone and into some physical format. That’s another post for another day, but one main way I love to do this is my printing Instagram photos. Print Studio makes it SUPER simple to do. The hardest part is choosing which photos to print and waiting for them to come!
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I’d love to hear from you!
What are some of your favorite apps on your phone?
Hey guys,
I was wondering if you could connect me to the person in charge of your blog. I have some
great content I’d like to discuss with you guys
Thanks in advance!
Sarah Cooley
Hey Sarah! Shoot me an email with your thoughts! (alece @ gritandglory . com)