Kindness is Usefulness: Black Lives Matter

I am listening and learning. As a company, we are listening and learning. There has been an overload of information recently and we wanted to share a variety of resources we’ve discovered (or rediscovered, and seen from a new perspective) over this past week.
Black lives have always mattered to us. Brutality and senseless death have always been evil. We are devastated by the tragedies that have occurred and are occurring in our society, including the death of George Floyd and many others.
Our mission here at Whitney English is to help you get rid of busy and find balance and beauty in life. We believe in kindness. We believe that kindness is usefulness so we’re sharing the following so they can live permanently here on the blog. I’m also sharing some of my favorite creators, interior designers, and influencers that have brought me great inspiration.
Resources and Organizations
- Healing Together: Addressing Slavery in Our Families’ History
- So… about racism conversation With The Perrys via Jackie Hill Perry
- The Conversation about Race, Justice and the Gospel from Church of the City in Franklin, TN
- Onsite Workshops (I shared our personal experience with Onsite Workshops here!)
- Restore OKC
- The Conversation Workshops in Oklahoma City
Other Inspirational Creators
- Lindsay at The Faith Feast
- Prop on Twitter
- Melinda Doolittle
- Michelle McKinney
- Candace M. Read
- Derrick Robinson
- Steve Moore
- Paula of Hill House Vintage
- Garcon a la Mode
- Black Girls with Gardens
- Moya of MMInk!
- Krystel Rowry of Kriss Did It Web Design
- A great course on graphic design
Interior Designers
- Erika Ward Interiors
- The Perfect Vignette
- Sheila Bridges of Harlem Toile Girl (the name alone!)
- Laura Hodges
- Shavonda Gardner
- Candace Mary Interiors
- Breegan Jane
- Nicole Gibbons, founder of Clare Paint
- Randall of Copper Paper