Remember that one time my kids spent two weeks at camp and I got more done than a genie on adderall?
Well, that was then. This is now. We’ve spent the past three weeks moving (although I did squeak out a REALLY rough blog post on that journey over at, and we’re heading into a full weekend. If there is one thing I can say right now, it’s that I’m grateful. I’m totally feeling God’s provision and His hand in our lives, and I’m just so grateful for that, and for the perspective. More on that later, hopefully, but for now, I realized I had a TON of information for you all about upcoming events!
So without further ado, I bring you the first edition of Put It In Your Planner!
If you’ll scroll on past the graphic below, I’ve gone into a few details about all the experiences I’ll be hosting or helping host throughout the remainder of the year! If you’re into planning or goal setting or personal development, you will want to read on!

Friday, October 12 @ 11am CT – I’m collaborating with Day Designer to host a “Finish Strong” webinar!
I’ll be talking about how to revisit your goals and make progress while you’ve still got a few months left in the year, as well as how to get a head start on holiday planning! To register for that event, follow @theDayDesigner on Instagram and watch for signup instructions!
Wednesday, October 17 @ 9am CT – the beta launch of the 2019 HEART Goals Workbook!
What is HEART Goals, you ask? I’m SO glad you asked. HEART Goals is a goal planning system I’ve developed and refined over the years–it’s the book people tell me I need to write! It will go hand in hand with any planner you choose, (but of course I’d tell you to get a Day Designer! wink wink). Many of you have used goal setting guides I’ve offered in years past under different titles, and the HEART Goals Workbook will be an all new updated and revised version of what you’ve seen before! This will be a printable version only, and in conjunction with the launch, I’ll be offering a free Facebook live event to walk you through the first steps!
purchasing this beta version will also receive a free copy of the second edition, which will be launching in November! The beta version will only be available at an introductory price for a limited time—I will close the shop to focus on helping beta purchasers work through their workbook and get some feedback on the product in action, and will make changes before relaunching in November!
You can actually pre-order HERE, but you won’t get the download until October 17–make a note. We’ll be sending out reminders between now and then, too!
Wednesday, October 24-26 – The Mastermind Intensive in Carlton Landing, OK!
The first event was last month, and I was delighted to host and get to know eight amazing women, all brilliant entrepreneurs. Our attendees came from fields across the board: professional organizers, MLM leaders, artists, coaches, and marketers. We had an AMAZING time and I can’t wait to meet our next attendees in October! We have six seats left for the next event.
You can register here! Or, if you’re looking for more info on the Mastermind Intensives,
check out our info page HERE!
Wednesday, November 7 @ 9am CT – The relaunch of the 2019 edition of The HEART Goals Workbook!
who has purchased the beta version (only $19!!) will automatically receive this version for free! I’ll also be doing either a Facebook Live or a webinar this day as well to help walk you through your HEART Goals Workbook!
Wednesday, November 28-30 – The third and final Mastermind Intensive of the Year!
Can’t make the October event? We’ve heard from several of you, so we’re opening up registration for November earlier than we anticipated.
Register for this one HERE! We won’t be offering this event again until it warms up again in the spring, so join us before registration fills up and let’s make some headway on your business in 2018!
I’ve got lots more to tell you about the Mastermind events, HEART Goals Workbook, and a few other projects I’ve been working on! Stay tuned, and as always, f
ollow along on Instagram if you’re into that sort of thing!