We’ve had a busy month over here! From moving houses to my big
HEART Goals announcement, the last month has been filled to the brim. I’m overflowing with creative energy as we launch a few things I’ve been working on for months and dreaming about for years.
One of those projects I’d been dreaming about for years is the Mastermind Intensive. I talked
a few posts back about how much value I’ve derived from being part of a mastermind group throughout my experience as an entrepreneur. I’ve always wanted for this to be a regular thing–a beautiful, collaborative effort that pulls together women from all stages and types of business ownership, and uses collective experience to give clarity to each other. I’ve tested the format over the years, named it a few different things, but never been able to offer it on my own turf–until now. In September, I a small group of women entrepreneurs gathered to share a few days with me in Carlton Landing. I knew this was going to be an incredible retreat but was blown away by how inspired, motivated and encouraged I was–and they were!–getting to spend a few days with these women.
The Setting
The event was hosted at
The Meeting House, the coffee shop/bed & breakfast my husband and I co-own. The Meeting House provided a charming setting for the event! We also hosted a dinner at one of the houses we used for additional accommodations! The Meeting House has been a joy to bring to fruition this year. Only weeks after opening it, I had the lightbulb moment to host a retreat there, and it worked beautifully!
The Format
The goal of the Mastermind was to bring together female entrepreneurs in fellowship and in personal and professional growth. We use a unique process and framework to engage the collective voices of the group. Our journeys are more similar than they are different, and by interacting in a safe and encouraging environment, we can learn from others successes and failures, and empower each other in a way that heals us each individually.
I’m excited to share some behind the scenes and recap our first ever Mastermind Intensive!
What We Did: Day One
Everyone checked in and gathered at one of the houses where we were staying for chicken tacos, guac, and some yummy sangria. We kicked off the evening with some fun ice breaker questions and a quick walk through some business strategy stuff, just to get us all on the same page. And we broke pretty early to get some rest for our big brainstorm sessions the next day.
And yes, I cooked dinner for all of us! I LOVE cooking, but that was way more work than I thought it would be–next time, we’re having it catered!
What We Did: Day Two
The Mastermind Intensive is all about the group brainstorms, and we provide a signature format to facilitate best group interaction and feedback for each attendee. I’ve used this format hundreds of times, and it is always encouraging to see women coming together, gathering around tables to make progress on their businesses. Each attendee not only had a chance to speak ideas and feedback and experience into her fellow attendees businesses, but receive that feedback for her own business and life.
After a productive and energizing day full of brainstorms and breaks, we gathered for a dinner under the lights of the pavilion at Carlton Landing. The wine and laughter flowed as the conversation about business and life continued and new friendships were forged.
What We Did: Day Three
After a REALLY late night, we gathered a bit later the next morning to work through feedback as a group. Each women got a chance to receive amazing, third party feedback on her brand. Lots of ideas were swapped and notes were taken!
What the Attendees Said
It’s hard for me to put into words exactly what this experience offers, so I’m going to borrow from some of our attendees voices.
“After the Mastermind, I felt refreshed, creative, and most importantly excited again. With a lot of help from my new business friends, I was reminded why I started my business to begin with. I learned so much more about what I crave in my personal and professional life than I ever knew existed within me. It was already there inside me, but there was magic in the combination of the leadership and willingness from other members in the intimate group of women that helped me find it, define it, and chase it again from an entirely different {and stronger} perspective.” – Layne Brookshire Haughee
We’re hosting two additional Mastermind Intensives this year and I promise you will not want to miss it. This is a game changer for your business and your life. If you need clarity around your next steps… If you’re ready to take your business to the next level… If you could use the fellowship of fellow female entreneurs… the Mastermind Intensive is for you. You can’t afford not to invest in yourself and your business.
“I’d only been home from Mastermind Intensive for a couple of hours when I made a really tough decision. Instantly, I felt like I took the first step of many toward a more successful business. Mastermind Intensive is the best investment I’ve made for my business and I feel like I’ve only seen the beginning of how my life is going to change.” – Alex Schauer
If you’re looking for a little pic-me-up in life, please consider joining us in October or November for our next three day events. It’s one of the most heart-filling, rewarding things I do as an entrepreneur, and I’m positive you’ll leave feeling the same way–encouraged, inspired, motivated–AND–with a lot of clarity!
We’ve got a few spots left in both October and November Mastermind sessions, and then that’s it, until next spring when it starts to warm up again!