Thanksgiving Eve Eve

There’s something about me and the week of Thanksgiving, friends.
It’s the week I realize how completely, horribly, terribly wrong everything in my life is going.
I’m not actually serious. Well, sort of.
It does seem to be the week where everything comes crashing down. I turn the page in my planner, realize I essentially have only four weeks until the end of the year, and in those four weeks, I must cram every meaningful family activity I’ve been putting off all year; attempt to catch up on all my savings goals while spending money on gifts for family and friends; try to diet while I bake cookies for said friends and family; remember to write thank you notes to people for whom I am grateful but forgot to write thank-you notes to; send Christmas cards–if, and ONLY if–I remember to have family photos captured previously; teacher gifts; and decorate.
Anyone else? Bueller?
And this ^ is what my kitchen looks like.
Kitchen? What kitchen?, you ask.
The one you were trying to finish last year, before Christmas? Oh pray, Whitney, why have you torn it up again?
In a nutshell: haste makes waste.
Watch and learn, sweet grasshopper.
Do as I say, not as I do.
When we’re on the other side of this (which will hopefully be sooner and not later), I will tell you the story.
I will tell you the story of poor tile choices, and the cost of poor workmanship (mine, and only mine). I will whisper to you the cautions of pushing, and ask you to help me figure out how, since I ordered the CORRECT tile in May, and it has been sitting in our driveway since September, and given that I have NOT been pushing, it is that we are here yet again, trying to get a kitchen finished (correctly, this time), by Christmas.
But tonight is not the time for that tale.
Tonight, I am pushing through on finishing touches for the new Style & Story membership we have launching on Friday.
Tonight, I am having dinner with a sweet family from church, grateful for the fellowship and like-minded comraderie.
Tonight, I am reading to my children, and watching a show with David.
I choose progress over perfection.
I choose patience over impertinence.
I choose to see the beauty in in the chaos.
Looking for the cliff’s notes on what’s happening around here? Make sure you’re on the email list. We’re running promotions for Black Friday (I mean, who isn’t?), and I would be ever so grateful for your support. We’ve got lots cooking as we head into the new year, and I can’t wait for you to be a part of it.
Lots of love,
Happy Thanksgiving Whitney
House projects are not for the faint of heart.
I love the planning and completion phase but the middle is a slog, but I keep going back for more.
I am feeling the rush and hustle and bustle of life right now. Before Thanksgiving it felt like the joy & anticipation was there, but now that we are past Thanksgiving it feels like a full on sprint to Christmas/the end of the year and making sure everything gets done and that we finish 2022 “well”.
I feel the exact same way! I want to change this next year!