Weekly Health Tracker for Summer 2020
July is here and I’m already over it. The heat, canceled trips, limited activities, and did I mention the heat? I find myself thinking about July with a certain amount of dread. Are you feeling the same?
When life gets stressful I force myself to review the HEART acronym to help me figure out what I really need. The ‘H’ in HEART stands for ‘Help Yourself.’ It’s the best place to start when you’re overwhelmed. Am I sleeping enough? Am I drinking enough water? Am I moving my body? My friend Johna, nurse practitioner, and the other half of A Plan For Health, and I have created a new resource to help you answer and track those important questions!

The Weekly Health Tracker allows you to track factors that affect your wellness over time. The format is intentionally flexible, allowing you to customize it to fit your unique needs and therefore better advocate for your own health. Use it to track meals, symptoms, sleep, feelings, and habits — any and all wellness factors.
If you’re confused about A Plan For Health, not to worry — start here! Johna and I have created a set of tools to help you take better care of yourself. We believe that everyone deserves to be their own best health advocate. You have been loving our printables and we’re thrilled to offer another one for FREE. Click here to grab all the digital downloads from A Plan for Health!
I’m trying to change my mindset as we approach July. I’m going to focus on helping my physical self first. We can only take good care of the ones we love if we are first taking good care of ourselves. That’s a great model for our children too!

Download the FREE Weekly Health Tracker now! Then shoot me a DM on Instagram @whitneyenglish to let me know how you’re taking yourself this month! I’d love to encourage each other!