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  1. I have the dream in my brain and in my heart. I am a teacher that has just received her certificate for twenty years of teaching and I am ready to spread my wings and share my ideas with women and adults on a much larger and more global stage. I have the beginnings of my book in process and the website that I am hoping to build. I have been watching B-School Videos but learned last night that the program is most likely more than I can afford. I don’t want to see my dream fizzle without the opportunity for the school. Her videos have been amazing so far. But a financial commitment for a dream is scary.

  2. Hmmm, so much in this and quite appropriate as I turn 35 in 2 days (eek!). I have to retread this post, but this stood out to me:

    “Purpose, not passion, is the greatest fuel for launching, maintaining, and growing your own business.” I’ve heard/read it several times that passion won’t get you through, but then the alternative has always been hard work…that’s necessary too, but yes it’s purpose that is the real driving force.

    Thanks for this.

  3. This blog post makes me very sad as a woman who is turning 49 in just a few weeks. Our society has basically brainwashed us into believing that aging is taboo and dismissed older people as having any value or purpose. Now don’t get me wrong, I want to look and feel my best as I age, but I’m not falling into the societal trap of complaining about aging like I’m flawed in some way. I have a freshman in college, senior in highschool, and a 4th grader who’s 10. Do I want them to hear me complain about getting older? Heck no! I want them to know that aging is a natural part of life and every day you get is a gift. Also, as I’ve matured my purpose has changed and evolved into something much more meaningful and less superficial than it was in my 20’s and 30’s. Part of my purpose is to enjoy every single day god had blessed me with and not complain about it:)

    1. Hi Susan, just to clarify: I don’t feel brainwashed, and I DEFINITELY to not think that “older people” don’t have value or purpose. Oh my heavens, I would never, ever, ever think that. Human beings are the most valuable things on this planet, no matter what age they are. Also to clarify, I did not intend to complain about my age, but rather just share the reality of it, and reality is that things don’t quite work like they used to. 😉 Or, at least, that’s what I’m experiencing. I’m sorry that this post has seemed to come across in a way I didn’t intend. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  4. Wow- that was a bit harsh! I’m sure there wasn’t an intent to slight the over 40 base. I’m not sure what the point is here. I am turning 58 and I didn’t start feeling like that until late 40’s/early 50’s and I attribute much of it to long distance running. Thank you Hot Yoga! Reading the ‘rumblings of mid-life crisis’ reminds me of how much you think you know in your 30’s but still have such a LONG way to go. Your purpose WILL change from your 30’s and 40’s because life will change, and change many times without your permission. I would not go back. And now my Day Designer seems less inspiring this morning. BTW- B-School and Chalene Johnson are great programs, but like anything else, they will not do the work for you or plop you in instant success land. You gotta do the work!

    1. Hi Ellen, I in no way meant to slight anyone. If anything, I was sharing a vulnerable story in which I felt sort of slighted myself, after overhearing someone make a remark about my appearance. Everyone has a journey, and this is mine: honest, authentic, definitely not right all the time, but trying to put myself out there to share it.

      Thank you for your perspective: I definitely agree. Purpose, in many ways, can shift with focus over time. I’ve seen mine change several times, as I’ve gone from entrepreneur, to wife, to mother. And you’re right: there’s no point in looking back. And you’re right about effort, too. I’m all about doing the work! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  5. Reading your story only 4 days after birthday #36, I get it. I’ve thrown my time, energy and love into many things over the years yet I’ve never actually listened to what is truly calling me until recently. I regret not living more authentically years ago. I often ponder the question, what if? Where would I be now in this journey if I had listened to the voice 10 years ago? There are times I think I’m alone on this ride and then I stumble across your words and it confirms that we all struggle. We all have disappointments and things that sting when they touch the heart. Thank you for showing the raw side of you even when you’re at the top.

    Ps. I still find you Day Planner just as inspiring today as the first day I opened it. 😏 Keep On, Keeping On!

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