HEART 2023
I taught my first HEART workshop in 2013. We ran it under a few different names for the first couple of years, and each year, it’s evolved a bit. As I’ve worked through applying HEART goals to my own life and teaching it to others, I’ve discovered more and more about how the process works. Last year, I published a book all about HEART Goals: A More Beautiful Life. And as 2023 approaches, I’ve been digging deep, thinking and planning for the 2023 HEART Goals workshop.
So, what is HEART Goals and where did it come from?
Standard goal-setting advice has never worked for me. I’ve heard leaders rave about SMART goals at workshops and seminars for years, but when I tried to set SMART goals, I never made progress. In fact, you could say the opposite. SMART Goals led me to what David and I now affectionately call our Year of Epic Failure. And by golly, I’m not going to use any goal process that lands me back in that territory again.
Through trial and error, I’ve fine-tuned the HEART method (if you want to know more about the journey, you can read about it in my book), but year after year, I’ve found that HEART goals work.
Quite simply, they’ve changed my life. They’ve helped me shift from adding more to an already ambitious list, to doing less. My daily to-do list is shorter, and I’m making my dreams happen. HEART helps me focus on doing what really matters instead of rushing through a to-do list in the name of efficiency, or productivity, or having to prove something.

HEART is a framework for setting goals, to be sure. But more than that, it’s a framework for living a balanced life every single day. HEART maximizes your time, energy, talents, and resources, empowering you to achieve the things you want after your needs have been met. By dreaming better, not necessarily bigger, HEART is rooted in self-care and results in joy, a higher quality of life, and real contentment.
I hope you’ll join me to kick off 2023 with HEART. This will be a live, interactive workshop. Come with your questions! Come with your goals! Hearing from YOU is my favorite part of teaching HEART. All the details are below! If you have any questions, leave a comment or email hello@whitneyenglish.com
The 2023 HEART Goals Workshop Details:
January 2, 2023, 11 am – 2 pm CST
- Live, interactive workshop
- Cost: $29 (Style & Story Members get FREE access, and you can sign up for our monthly membership if you’d like to get this and the rest of our workshops free every month!)
What’s Included?
- Live Teaching
- Downloadable Guidebook Packed with Worksheets
- A full year of access to the 2023 HEART community
How do I register?
- Register for HEART Goals 2023 here.
- Sign up to be a Style & Story member (which includes HEART Goals 2023) here.