Surreal and Humbling
If 2014 is going to be anything like today, I have one word to describe it: SURREAL.
When I was chatting with Hilary Rushford for her new book launch a few weeks ago, one of the things we briefly touched on was the fact that when you’re starting out on your entrepreneurial journey, it’s kind of quiet. Your friends and family support you, and maybe a few people find your blog, you gain some Twitter followers, but it’s small potatoes. If you love what you do, that’s ok.
But that’s just year one. If your content resonates, and you stay consistent, people keep listening. Google starts to kick in, and people find old blog posts. You make a few connections, have a few collaborations, and it’s fun. But still, at the back of your mind, you know your little corner of the internet is just that–a little corner, in a sea of billions of other corners, and really, if you’re like me, you don’t expect people to pay that much attention, but you’re glad you are helping a few.
That’s year two. That’s where I am. And I look at this sea of corners, and I see people like Hilary, who are in year three. And they look, from my year-two-corner, like they are about to TAKE OVER THE INTERNET. Or at least quite a few corners. And then there are the Marie Forleo of the internet, who are just plain old taking over the world. Making a difference in people’s lives. Giving people hope. Encouraging people to believe in themselves, and encouraging people to believe that there is a plan for their lives, and it’s a good plan. And loving people. It’s amazing, ya’ll.
In 2003, when I started blogging, I was afraid to tell people. In Oklahoma, we were all still recovering from the traumatic threat of Y2K. To tell people that I had a blog, and that I was MEETING PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET flat out made me a freak.
Now, some of the dearest connections I have span the globe. These hearts that embrace the internet fearlessly have also embraced me. I am learning so much through these people, and this experience, and the process of opening myself up and being vulnerable with the world, while not free from pain, is life-altering, in a most surreal way.
In my last post, I mentioned that an Instagram picture I posted sort of went viral. I asked the reposter to take it down, so that I could add a copyright to it. And then I spent an hour on the phone with a mentor, and realized that I really just needed an attitude check.
Because the good thing about putting good things out there is that good things spread. And isn’t that why I do this blogging thing? Is to spread good things, whether I get credit for them or not? Isn’t it about making the world a better place, and don’t I need to stop looking for credit?
A really good friend of mine once told me, “Check your drama at the door.” It sort of became a mantra around our old office. Over the years, I feel like I can add to it: check your pride, your arrogance, your ego, your guilt, your attitude. Leave them behind you. Name them, admit them, face them, those ugly things, and then tell them to go away.
Today, I had an attitude. Today, it needed to be checked.
When I got off the phone, I looked at my Twitter app. It was blowing up. She had given me a shout out.
Talk about humbling. Talk about something me and my attitude did not deserve. Tamera, I’m completely honored. Blown away. Thank you.
See? Surreal.
p.s. If that wasn’t weird enough, Debra Messing also left a comment on my Instagram feed last week. I didn’t think it could possibly be the real Debra Messing, but I think it was. Now I have to figure out how to pay all this forward, ya’ll.
I’m loving your transparency. It teaches all the rest of us so much. Thank you.
I didn’t realize you were an Okie girl! So am I! Power to the Oklahoma bloggers
LOVE this! Congrats to you on doing big things (my brand new WE planner sits beside me as I type this)…and thank you for the encouragement to pursue the little things and check “all that mess” at the door.
Love this post Whitney- as I love ALL your words. Keep up the great work- I’m so paying attention to your corner, listening and watching you- you are definitely helping. Thank you for living openly.
Thanks for posting this, Whitney. You captured year one perfectly from where I sit just starting it. It is great to hear that you are having a successful year two. Love your voice. Hope to meet you at Alt SLC in a few weeks!
Very sad that you and your followers in the previous blog entry automatically assumed the worst of Tamera (of all people!). I even saw a comment about how sad it was that she couldn’t formulate her own thoughts. She was gracious enough to not only repost and give credit, but to also shout you out again. I came to your blog via her Instagram because your 2014 goals seemed similar to mine, but this will definitely be my last visit.
Nicole, thank you for your comment! I’ve truly been amazed by the past two days. I can see that Tamera is beyond gracious, the epitome of a lady and grace. I hope to follow her example! I’ve definitely learned a lot over the past days, and I’m sure I will blog some more about it. I’m grateful that Tamera has people like you in her community, to stick up for her! I would be so grateful to have someone like you have my back! I mean sincerely, please keep doing that for her!!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Whitney, you so deserve everything inch of success that you get, including those sweet words from the well known. You work your behind off while you have babies and a hubby. It’s truly inspiring that you do SO much, and you launched a new product last year. WOW,
I know that at times we feel like we don’t deserve what we have or maybe we aren’t realizing when you’re wanting more when you already have so much. However, when you get in those funks maybe just take a second remember that your hard work is paying off!
I’m so excited for you and where 2014 takes you and your work!
I LOVE it! – very cool! And, thanks for sharing!
Sometimes…God uses a slap in the face to get your attention. To make you realize with or without credit, you are still changing people’s lives. As a photographer I do get frustrated when I don’t receive credit for one of my images that a client shares on the internet. I used to comment or tag myself or any number of things to tell the world, “HEY!! THAT’S MY WORK! ME!!! I DID THAT!!!” I don’t like reading that attitude on the internet, I feel like a person is grasping at straws and I wanted to change. That is not me. That never was me. Now I just sit back and enjoy watching something I create delight and inspire others, knowing that if the -experience- I provided that client with and the end result is nothing short of amazing…they are already talking about me. And twofold, if someone is so taken by an image, they will dig and sift through the sand to find me.
Cheers to an awesome 2014!!