Entrepreneur Mindsets: #1 Growth Mindsest and A Bias For Action

Entrepreneur Mindsets: #1 Growth Mindsest and A Bias For Action

Last week, over on Instagram, I asked my entrepreneur followers a question: as an entrepreneur, what’s your biggest challenge? There were a number of responses, every single one of which I related to from personal experience. My biggest surprise in reading them, however, was the lightbulb that came to me in response to the questions:…

Ready for Change? Hard Questions Worth Asking

Ready for Change? Hard Questions Worth Asking

We all want to change something at some point in our lives. If you’re a recovering perfectionist like me, you might find yourself wanting to change all the things all the time. (Please tell me I’m not alone here.) While contentment is great, and I fully recognize the value and necessity for contentment and gratitude…

On Not Waiting for Perfect

On Not Waiting for Perfect

There’s a common refrain in the entrepreneurial world to “Start before you’re ready!”. It’s a motivating phrase, and a smart business move, but it’s easier said than done, right? Especially if you’re a recovering perfectionist like me. And not just in business. I always thought that a perfectionist’s life looked perfect—and so I very obviously…

Space to Create

Space to Create

“So she followed her curiosity. She ignored the voice within her that told her she was being preposterous, and self-indulgent. She just did it. And she loved it, as much as ever. She finally had the perspective to appreciate the value of her own joy. She was finally making something of herself, making something with…