Favorite Non-Toxic Products
I am a person who strives for balance and one of the areas I’ve been trying to balance more of is in my health! Not just working out more but really approaching my health in a bigger way. Working on the A Plan For Health tools with my friend Johna (who is a nurse practitioner) opened my eyes to my own health and wanting to take better control of it in a whole way.

Here are a few non-toxic products I’m trying out right now and I thought I’d give you my honest reviews!
Myro Deodorant, an all-natural deodorant, really got my attention because my friend Kate talked about how styled and cute the packaging was. You get to choose your plastic cutter container and then which scent you want. They send you refills of the insert so that you’re wasting less plastic which I thought was awesome. They say it takes 4 weeks for your body’s microbiome to get used to the new stuff and so I still have a little ways to go before I see if it really works. So far, well, I smell myself which is not a great sign. It’s not an antiperspirant which I think is what I’m missing most of all. I’m going to keep trying it out but so far let’s just say I’m re-applying A LOT.
What can Castille Soap not do? I love that it’s non-toxic and that a little bit goes a long way. My sister told me about this magical stuff first and you can literally use it for anything. I just ordered the rose scent and am in love!
Lastly, we have Daily Harvest Smoothies. Anything that makes eating healthier EASIER, I’m here for it. Can I get an amen?
Now, let’s be clear. Can I make my own smoothies without Daily Harvest? Yes. Absolutely. However, these have been a game changer for me because it takes the thinking out of it. It’s one less thing I have to think about. Having everything already pre-packaged and ready to go is so helpful. If I am feeling thoughtful I will add a handful of kale or something green to hide extra veggies for my kids, but usually I just add water and blend away.

None of these brands are paying me for saying any of these things…I just want to share what I’m trying in my own life. What are some of your favorite non-toxic products you’re using? Share below or shoot me a message on Instagram @whitneyenglish. I would absolutely love to hear about your favorite non-toxic product recommendations!
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