How to Get Organized at Home
My son threw clean laundry down the laundry shoot because he didn’t want to put away his clothes. It was quite a week at our house.
Don’t put a bandaid on the mess. See if you can fix the mess with a system.
That’s been my mantra this fall. In the chaos of back to school, moving, and remodeling we’re getting back to the systems that keep us organized at home. A system is just a series of habits. A system is there for you to fall back on when things aren’t going according to plan.
There are two systems that work really well for our family. Keep reading! I’ve got two free printables you can use to put these systems in place right away in your own home.

These two systems can be put in place right away. You don’t have to wait for prep day or the first of the month or even the first of the year! You can start right now by trying a new system for a week or two. See how it works for your family and then adjust it to fit your needs! Remember: a system is not meant to be followed to a T every single day forever. It’s there for you to fall back on when things aren’t going according to plan!
We’re getting back to meal planning. Less wasted food, healthier snacks, and well-rounded meals, plus saving money on grocery bills: it’s all part of my Never-Ask-Me-Again-What’s-For-Dinner meal plan. Watch me meal plan while cleaning out my fridge here! Then grab your free Weekly Meal Planner, a two-page plan that includes a pre-filled list and a blank option so you can make it your own.

Now, let’s get the kids involved! Are you needing a better system for your kid’s daily chores? Need a way to keep them (and you!) accountable?
Our kids have “daily goals” instead of chores because we want them to turn these goals into habits. Since school started we’ve been lenient in tracking their goals (see clean clothes being thrown down a laundry shoot above ). We’re back to using our HEART Goals for Kids checklist – daily tasks that align with the HEART acronym. Download the free checklist, print out as many as you need, then host a family meeting to get everyone on the same page! Watch me walk through the checklist here.

I’m grateful for the systems that help keep me sane. I notice a major difference when we have these family systems in place – I’m a loose cannon when we’re not following the systems I know and trust!
The Weekly Meal Plan and HEART Goals for Kids checklist are two of our most popular printables. If you love these systems, you do not want to miss our newest product release on! Grab a Weekly Meal Plan Sticky Notepad or a HEART Goals for Kids Sticky Notepad now!