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  1. Thanks for this post! An important conversation in the age of social media. I find the impacts it has along generational lines interesting as well – as a mom, I have different experiences and even understanding than my kids.
    I also think that everyone has different coping methods and approaches that work for them. For me personally, I had to leave social media for awhile. I had to temporarily disable my accounts and be very mindful about what I expose myself to (like singing to myself “oh be careful little eyes what you see”). My leave has actually been extremely successful for me – and I don’t know if I will go back. I find myself more grateful, more engaged with those I actually care about, less focused on “things” or “keeping up” and more focused on life giving things. I know this approach isn’t for everyone, however I am beginning to see a social media revolution of sorts – where more friends and family I know are doing the same. It will be interesting to see how the landscape changes in the near future.

  2. This is truly a great post. I like the idea of rather than comparing, take the moment to be inspired, in your own way. I agree with social media. While, I love what I have learned from sites such as Twitter and Instgram, or Facebook, I can see how unhealthy comparisons can occur within these realms. Everyone posts, the “perfect” picture of food or vacation or life. But, life is not perfect and we must understand that and not put ourselves down because we do not have the same experiences as those people. Also, with social media, people put out what they want you to see. Underneath it all, things may not be as rosy. I have adopted the belief that rather than compare myself to the materialistic achievements of others, which are outside of my control and sometimes unattainable, I look to adopt the positive aspects of people I meet–becoming more caring, insightful, patient, etc. So, rather than materialistic goals, I have made personality goals:) It takes a lot of self-reflection and honesty to do that. But, I am definitely getting there and it feels pretty good 🙂 Thanks again for such a wonderful post.

  3. Thank you so much for writing this. It was as if you knew I needed it. I have been trying so hard to get this blogging thing down and I find myself comparing a lot. I do have so much to be thankful for and have been trying to focus on giving thanks everyday, for at least three things. It has really helped and reading this just gave me that extra encouragement I needed to keep at it and let others inspire me instead of comparing myself to them.

    Many Blessings,


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