Let’s Talk About the Dreaded Scale

Let’s Talk About the Dreaded Scale

A few weeks ago, I stepped on the scale hopeful, and stepped off so frustrated. After three weeks of moderation, portion control, low-saturated fat, good monounsaturated fats, lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, no alcohol, and almost no dairy and no sugar, the darn thing had inched forward anyway. It’s been a lifelong struggle for me. I…

Don’t Miss the Red Flags

Don’t Miss the Red Flags

When I’m heading off-course —and I’m talking about internally off-course—there are certain clear signs in my life, externally. I say “clear” because they’re very evident when I’m paying attention and staying on the lookout for them. But they’re also easy to ignore should I so choose. And for a long time, I did so choose. I turned a blind eye, ignoring…

You’re Not for Everyone (and That’s OK)

You’re Not for Everyone (and That’s OK)

There are so many aspects of our youth that seem silly in retrospect: the pain of unrequited crushes, the worry over future responsibilities, and the seemingly constant contest of popularity. And yet, we carry so much of it into adulthood without even realizing it. If there’s one thing I’ve had to remind myself of as…

Cultivating an Authentic Personal Brand

Cultivating an Authentic Personal Brand

When’s the last time you thought about your personal brand? I’ll be honest, even as a business owner with a bit of a personal platform, I don’t always consider my own brand. But it is important—whether you’re an entrepreneur or the stay-at-home parent (or both)—because it allows you to be proactive about the way you’re…

Passion Is Not the (Only) Secret to Success

Passion Is Not the (Only) Secret to Success

I started my business in 2011. And if my passion—helping entrepreneurs design and take back control of their lives—were currency, I would’ve been turning a profit within days. That’s not the way most businesses work, unfortunately. Passion is great (important, even) but it can only get you so far. And mine did. But by the…