The Difference Windows and Blinds Can Make
**This post is not sponsored by any blind or drapery company

Around here, we tend to start projects out of necessity. But once we’ve had some time to live in and use the space, those fueled-by-necessity projects usually end up snowballing into more expensive projects. This is the case with the heating and cooling situation in our home.
A few things you should know
The HVAC in this house was designed a bit poorly. There is only one A/C unit to service the north end, which includes some living and dining space, the kitchen, and the whole upstairs (where our kids’ rooms are). In essence, this means our kids are either freezing or frying, depending on the season. When we were putting together a remodel plan, we originally hoped to add an additional A/C unit to serve the upstairs. But, due to the lack of an attic and difficult-to-access space above the second story, that option was very cost prohibitive.
So, in lieu of dropping some serious change on an A/C unit, we decided to invest in energy-efficient windows for the rooms upstairs, along with adding a couple of windows to wrap around the corners of the kids’ rooms. We hoped the new windows, paired with some stylish window treatments, would provide protection from the summer sun and winter winds. This was the summer of 2020, but we were fortunate enough to be a bit ahead of the curve during the remodeling craze and our new windows were installed fairly quickly. The draperies took a little longer because, you know, we tend to get distracted. So far, only our daughter’s room has been outfitted with window treatments. The windows did cut down on the unwanted heat, but it wasn’t quite enough to keep the kids comfortable and balance the temperature upstairs and down.

On to the next idea!
In our last house, we partnered with Select Blinds to outfit every window with blinds and that worked VERY well. The ability to customize the backing of the blinds to prevent or allow light in (light in the summer means lots of heat around here) was a major plus. We were able to dampen the sunlit rooms and lighten up the areas that didn’t get as much sun. So when the leaves dropped and we realized we could see our neighbors across the creek, new blinds vaulted to the top of the list! Obviously, if we can see them, they can see us (and who knows how into telescopes they are!).

Because we had a great experience with Select Blinds in our last home, the decision to order from them was easy! We loved the bamboo look from our last house and opted to add the optional blackout lining to regulate the light and heat. Our experience has been that the bamboo blinds are durable, (even with young kids and a dog that must know what’s happening outside). The clean-looking cordless system makes the height adjustment simple while removing the danger to little kids since there’s nothing to tangle or knot up. The installation was super easy and the change in room temperature was immediate.

Having used them in two different houses, we can confidently say that the bamboo blinds are a game-changer for us (and more budget-friendly than a whole new A/C unit)!
It feels very French to block the light – almost any place I’ve stayed there had huge shutters that closed during the day to keep out the heat…and it works!
I’d love to go to France and experience this one day!