What I Hope A More Beautiful Life Can Do For You

Over the past few weeks, I’ve shared why I wrote A More Beautiful Life and what I learned about writing a book. This week, I want to tell you what I hope A More Beautiful Life can do for you, the reader.
So often, my conversations with friends turn quickly to how we’re all feeling overwhelmed. Our concerns are all the same. We’re drowning in to-do lists, things done and left undone. The result is stress and anxiety, wear and tear on our physical and mental being.
We put ourselves on the back burner, unintentionally busying our lives with work, kids, projects, and errands. Caught in a swirl of activity, we end up scrambling from one thing to the next, barely able to keep our heads above water, much less stop to take care of ourselves.
I’ve been that woman. It was miserable. I didn’t want to live like that.
The question I asked at my crossroads: what if I didn’t live like that? If everything is a choice, what if I chose to put my physical needs first, then my emotional, spiritual, and mental needs, followed by my immediate family’s needs, our household needs, and put work last?
(Side note: for any entrepreneur to say they are putting work at the bottom of their to-do list is a gamble. When you eat what you kill, working last can be equated with not eating. But as exhausted as I was, I was willing to try anything.)
So, I created and refined the HEART system. And bit by bit, my life changed. I went from busy to balanced (most days—it’s a process!). And you know how when you find something life-changing, you want to share it with everyone you know? That’s how I feel about HEART!

Writing A More Beautiful Life was the next step in sharing HEART with the world.
I wrote the first draft of this book by hand, and when my fingers would get tired, and I’d have to take a minute to stretch and shake them out, I’d think about why I was writing this book.
The reason? I wrote this book for YOU because I want you to see that a different way of life is possible. We don’t have to live our life feeling stressed and overwhelmed, like we’re always behind and scrambling to catch up. I wanted to give you the tools to take your life from busy to balanced, and from balanced to beautiful.

As you read through the pages, I hope the words and stories resonate with you. When you reach the end of a chapter and find the questions and journaling prompts, I hope you take the time to pause and write your answers down. I want the tools and strategies that have changed my life to change yours, too.
But most of all, I hope this book meets you where you are. When you hold it in your hands, I want you to feel seen and understood, to know you aren’t alone in navigating life’s chaos. I hope it reminds you how important it is to take care of yourself first, and a permission slip to do so.
This book looks great. And what a beautiful cover!
I loved this part of the blog where you said: “We put ourselves on the back burner, unintentionally busying our lives with work, kids, projects, and errands……we end up scrambling from one thing to the next, barely able to keep our heads above water, much less stop to take care of ourselves.”
It’s SO true. So e says I’m looking out the window like dang, I spent the day in a Tasmanian devil swirl and didn’t do anything for me. Like drink water or take in some fresh air.
I’ll be getting the book to remind myself that you can only pour from a full cup.
They say don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but gosh this beautiful cover sure makes me want to see what’s inside!
Let us know what you think after reading the book! It was a labor of love.
Such a wonderful book and something that perfectly fits in what I need to focus on in my life right now.
This is a lovely book with great practical information too!