Alt Summit, Amazing Moment #3: Erin Loechner

Alt Summit, Amazing Moment #3: Erin Loechner

A few weeks ago, Erin Loechner of Design for Mankind tweeted that she needed a new planner/agenda. I’m forever grateful to Kory Woodward, who suggested the Day Designer to Erin. In case you don’t read Design for Mankind, let me give you the 411: it’s awesome. Thoughtful, informative, and purposeful. On top of that awesome…


Off To Alt!

So, I’m off, traveling to Salt Lake City for Alt Summit! It’s going to be a trip of firsts: I’ve never been to Alt Summit, never been to Utah, never blogged an entire post while sitting in an airport, typing on my iPhone. Literally, I’ve spent days agonizing over the wardrobe decisions for this trip….