Just In Time for…
Holidays and our Tool Kit drop tomorrow! There’s nothing like a new box of ribbon to delight over!
Holidays and our Tool Kit drop tomorrow! There’s nothing like a new box of ribbon to delight over!
Over the past few weeks, I’ve shared why I wrote A More Beautiful Life and what I learned about writing a book. This week, I want to tell you what I hope A More Beautiful Life can do for you, the reader. So often, my conversations with friends turn quickly to how we’re all feeling…
It dawned on me this morning, that I could use my blog to tell stories. This may sound elementary, but let me explain. You may or may not be familiar with my love/hate relationship with Facebook and Instagram. I have copious notes compiled, and I would really like to organize these into a coherent, well…
Last week, I told you why I wrote A More Beautiful Life. Today, I’ll share some of what I learned as a newbie to the publishing world and writing process. “Write a book” has been number two on the goal list since I was in 9th grade. I’d always hoped to put pen to paper…
Our kids are good kids, I said to David. When we lay out a plan for them, give them a vision for what could be (this conversation being about the concept of a peaceful ride home from school), they embrace it. They really do. If they’re misbehaving on the way home from school, and I’m…
It has been a long week of book edits, client work, and preparing for the holidays. Today’s writing is short and sweet. Things I told myself this week: Recognize when you’ve done the best you can. It might not be YOUR best, but it’s truly what you could give in that moment. Honor that, celebrate…
I haven’t always been good with routines. When I was in college, I spent a day mapping out the perfect plan for my daily and weekly life. Gridlines on notebook paper were the original Bullet Journal, and my hand-drawn schedule reflected the best intentions. I took it to work the next day and showed it…
“We’re going to have a little family cleaning lesson tomorrow,” I announced this evening. Halfway between the foot of the stairs and our bedroom door, I was talking to David. But hoping my air of patient authority was wafting back up the stairs to my kids. “Are you talking to me?” David called from our…
Do you ever have one of those nights where you wake up with a sudden burst of clarity and a great idea? It’s rare, but I love it when it happens. And it just so happened last night. In the wee small hours of this morning, a light bulb went off, and I was inspired…