“I don’t know how you do it all…”
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“I don’t know how you do it all…”

Every now and then, some sweet, precious colleague will say to me, “I don’t know how you do it all,” and for a flash of a second, I’ll feel like I’m accomplishing something extraordinary. Reality is a swift kick in the pants, however, and the statement quickly just becomes a reminder of two things: 1)…

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This morning, I called my sister. “I need to preface this conversation,” I warned her. “I have the gimmes and I want to wallow for just a minute.” She replied with “What?” “The gimme-gimmes,” I said. “You know, where are you comparing yourself to others and it makes you want stuff you can’t have that’s…

Update and Winner!

Hi Friends, Since I last posted, I think I’ve been working almost non-stop on all things Stationery Academy. I can hardly believe it starts tomorrow. Natalie and I are totally fired up and can’t wait to meet everyone and see some old friends! We’ve got a few exciting announcements up our sleeve after we return,…

Wednesday Morning

Well, things are starting to wrap up here. TODAY, I have to ship stuff back to Oklahoma so that it’s there when I get back. It’s amazing how much stuff I’ve amassed. I think I will be buying boxes at the UPS store around the corner. Yesterday, we had two fascinating speakers in class. The…

Monday Afternoon

OK, so at least I started out blogging with the best intentions. I haven’t kept up with this as well as I hoped it would. Every time I turn around, there is something else going on, something new to learn, someone saying we have to go try this restaraunt or see that show. Last Friday…