What I Did Wrong

For the next fifteen minutes, the ball is in everyone else’s court. I’ve spent the past two days getting caught up on clients, projects, and the inbox. I just stepped back from the computer, and realized that I’m in a moment where I’m waiting for calls and emails to be returned, and feedback to be…

You’re Worth It

I’ve been blessed to be gifted with some major clarity on my brand lately. Wait, we talk about “brands” a lot. Maybe I should clarify: I don’t mean brand, I mean my life’s work. I’ve spent a lot of time observing and researching, and educating myself on, the concepts of internet marketing this past year….

Being Still

Being Still

I’ve been struggling with an issue lately. Thank you to all the friends who have heard me out, encouraged me, prayed with me, supported me, sometimes more than once. Because when I say struggle, I mean STRUGGLE. There are days when I feel like I can’t get beyond it. I’ve experienced the gamut of emotions,…



From the day I launched the Day Designer, the number one request we got was for tabs. Over the year, it’s been fun to see how people have dressed up their own planners with tabs. I found a set at Target, and have been using those on my own Day Designer for the majority of…

Limitations & Courage

The older I get,  the more my limitations surprise me. You know that phrase, “You can be anything, but not everything”? Every time I read that mantra, I find myself inwardly rebelling. “WHAT??!?!?” screams my determined dreamer mindset. “Who says?” (That’s the playground throw-down talk coming out.) This quickly escalates to “NOOOOO!!!!” (Tantrum.) Followed by…