The Gift of Struggle

I had lunch with my friend Amanda yesterday. We hadn’t seen each other in a couple of months, so the conversation started out like most distant, in that need-to-catch-up kind of way. How are you? Great! How are you! Good! How’s your business, hubby, kid? Good! How’s your business, hubby, kids? Great! Yada yada, you…

“I don’t know how you do it all…”
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“I don’t know how you do it all…”

Every now and then, some sweet, precious colleague will say to me, “I don’t know how you do it all,” and for a flash of a second, I’ll feel like I’m accomplishing something extraordinary. Reality is a swift kick in the pants, however, and the statement quickly just becomes a reminder of two things: 1)…

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This morning, I called my sister. “I need to preface this conversation,” I warned her. “I have the gimmes and I want to wallow for just a minute.” She replied with “What?” “The gimme-gimmes,” I said. “You know, where are you comparing yourself to others and it makes you want stuff you can’t have that’s…