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  1. Whitney, this post is an answered prayer. I have been struggling this past week. I knew my income was going to end soon, so it was no surprise when it happened. My husband and I made a list of all the expenses with his salary and realized we were going to be on a monthly negative. Some things we paid had to be eliminated. I was frustrated, because I had just started a business that I knew in my heart is what God intended me to do (to put to use my talents and abilities) and work on my purpose. A purpose to reach out to many women and share Him with them. Whitney, it frustrates my heart, because I can feel this is what I’m supposed to be doing, but then comes the fact that I’ve only sold like three bags in months.
    This is the first time I have actually said (or written) the hold story to someone. I haven’t even said it at loud. Be still is a post that I will keep on coming back to. Thank you for your words, your precious words of life. Thanks, hugs Whitney!

  2. Whitney, this is a special post. I’ve struggled with this- I think it will be a lifelong wrestling- me and Jesus, working things out. Thank you for the worksheet. Keep up the hard, good work. You are teaching and leading by example. Thank you.

  3. Amen, sister. It is a PROCESS and one that will mold you and shape you along the way. Knowing there are MANY other “Be still” moments coming in my life, the past year of being still and knowing that HE is God has produced so many wonderful blessings in both my personal life and my business. I have this verse on my kitchen wall. It is just a matter of letting God BE God in your life! Praying for you! XOXO

  4. Another great post. I am printing it now and looking forward to adding it to my StatAcad notebook- or my Day Designer that will be arriving TOMORROW! So excited. Thank you for this worksheet. I can definitely use it.

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