All About the 2019 Edition of H.E.A.R.T. Goals™!
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All About the 2019 Edition of H.E.A.R.T. Goals™!

Too long, don’t want to read? SMART Goals don’t work. HEART Goals do. Set your 2020 goals with heart by grabbing our course and workbook here. Have you ever tried setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, only to find yourself frustrated because you didn’t achieve them? ME TOO. I set S.M.A.R.T. goals for years, but constantly found myself…

A New Perspective on Following Your Heart

A New Perspective on Following Your Heart

I have a beef with the whole “follow your passions” thing. I’ve blogged about it before, and if you’ve ever asked me about it in person, over coffee or cocktails, you’ve probably found my soapbox. It’s not that I think passions are bad. I believe they have a purpose, in business and in life. But I…

How Do You Find Purpose When The Big Picture Seems Bleak?

How Do You Find Purpose When The Big Picture Seems Bleak?

A friend left a comment on one of my Instagram pictures the other day: “I love all the joy I’m seeing in your recent pictures!” I took it as a compliment, and was grateful someone had noticed. Life, lately, has demanded a lot of focus from me. I’m feeling pulled in so many directions, have…

The Gift of Struggle

I had lunch with my friend Amanda yesterday. We hadn’t seen each other in a couple of months, so the conversation started out like most distant, in that need-to-catch-up kind of way. How are you? Great! How are you! Good! How’s your business, hubby, kid? Good! How’s your business, hubby, kids? Great! Yada yada, you…